We thought, for those of you who have not (yet) been aboard, you might like to see the interior of the ship.

Our tour begins on the foredeck with two wonderful lounge chairs, the perfect place to nap, sip wine, and spy on the neighbors. We then proceed aft to the wheelhouse with the built-in seating for six, table, and the navigation station.
Below, we'll start with the forward queen-sized guest stateroom, then a birds eye view of the twin-sized guest stateroom; both with ensuite bathrooms.

Next is the "state of the art" galley with granite counters, a Bosch dishwasher, a five burner Bosch gas cooktop with a wok, two Bosch ovens that do all sorts of things we have yet to figure out, and a full-size Fisher & Paykel refrigerator with freezer.
Along the port side is a mahogany bar that alternates as a cocktail bar, coffee bar, and/or computer station. Underneath is a large wine rack.
The main salon is furnished with Italian leather sofa, chair and ottoman. There is a folded dining table hiding behind the chair for the rare occasions that we may want to use it. As storage space is minimal in some ships, every inch is put to creative use. Behind the sofa is a full size inflatable six-man life raft, two hula hoops, a tool kit for hose fittings, a box of champagne, art supplies and other assorted paraphernalia.
Behind the cabinet doors, below the chat, are full-sized Bosch washer and dryer; and there is a lovely large flat screen TV complemented by two DVD players for American and European dvds. Music is provided by an iPod with speaker system, or the iMac computer itself.

Aft of the main salon, and under the wheelhouse, is the engine room.
Behind that is the captain’s stateroom with queen-sized bed.

Welcome aboard!