Time to move from my existing mooring to another in the area.
There being so few options that are this conveniently located, I decided to try to simply move across the canal, next to Capt. Bruce and the Onyx. Bruce was all for it, so I approached David Blanquart, "waterlord" of this section of the east side of the basin.
David was agreeable.
So, on the 1st. of July, I reeled in my water hoses, coiled my shore power lines, collected the clothes line Mary Ellen had put on the boat next-door, moved my fenders to the other side of the Shenandoah, untied and moved directly across the basin. Transit time - five minutes.
The really great thing is that now I don't have to crawl across three boats (very tricky at night or anytime with slippery decks) to get to the Shenandoah. Bruce even put up a beautiful ramp, so there is no “crawling” involved at all for Captain Dave and guests
One more nice thing is that there are live people here. Not that the people on the other side of the canal were not alive... Captains Jean-Luc, Adam, and Bruce are permanently ensconced, and being the party animals that they are, there is never a dull moment.
I am now wondering if my liver will take it!